
Just My Luck

My thoughts. My ideas. My creations.



Wife of Scott. Mom of Jovie and Leo the wonder dog and Norman the Great. Cup is always full of creative juice. (sometimes beer) I have an extreme love of Paul McCartney. My life is full of laughter.


What if 2015 is the year that changes everything? What if.

I sit here with sore muscles, aching legs and feel like I am 97 years old. That’s the bad news. That and I turn 32 in 3 days. Psssh. Bring it. The good news is that I have located the gym again. You know- the one that I paid for all year long and used even less than my sewing machine? It’s just so sad, really.

Alas, I am tuned in, working out, feeling (kind of) great, and I have a vision for myself. And it’s deeper than the extra “stuff” I am currently carrying around. (Who cares- I had a fun year. Worth it.) (Sort of.)

There were ups. Great big giant work successes, a 6 year old as smart as can be, a cool-cat husband, and Leo the Wonder Dog. There were down. Saying goodbye to some really great people, including my grandmother. A random broken car here and there, and some personal internal battles that I work on often on my own.

What if 2015 is the year that changes everything. And it could. And it will.

More focus on me. More focus on my tiny family. Less focus on what’s “lacking” or where I “fit in”.

Less yes, more no. Having a week filled every single night with events, activities, dinners, parties is no longer appealing to me. Fulfilling things with quality friends- less is more. I have distanced myself from some and grown closer to others. The circle of life for family relationships and friendships.

Quality, not quantity is my motto for 2015.

I will feel better. I will be better. For me. And for my family.


Elf on The Shelf!

Elf on a shelf. So fun to do with your kids but after a long day or work, dinner, baths, homework, and laundry- setting up your magical elf is the last thing that you want to do. I put most of my ideas in one place, right here for you to recreate at your house. It’s like a tiny library of ideas. Have fun! Take pics! Share with me! I love it!

Roasting Marshmellows

This was the first Elf on a Shelf that I ever did. With our electric fireplace, a child’s chair, and all the fixings for s’mores. Don’t forget the chocolate!


Poor guy, couldn’t get inside. Had to watch from outside. Some clear packing tape did the trick. I wish i would have posed his arms like he was peeking inside. Coulda, shoulda, woulda….


Our daughter is a horse lover. Apparently so was our Elf. He organized a ride! This was a huge hit with the girl!

Wearing red boots

Every cowboy needs boots. Our elf put on the little one’s boots. Simple move if you’re short on time. 🙂


Our Elf was a little under the weather one day. I took his hate off and put a wash cloth on his head. Find all of your sick kid stuff and set the scene.

Sneak a Nap

I snuck in and snapped a picture. I didn’t leave the elf here as they aren’t supposed to be touched. I pulled the picture up on my phone the next morning and said i got it from Santa. I hid the elf in our christmas tree after I took this photo.

puppy food

How could the Elf resist the dog food, it’s right at his level?! Tape or push pins will hold arms and legs in place.

Zip line

Tape. Dental floss, pins to hold arms and legs together, you’ve got yourself a zip line!


The elf bundled up in a cloth and watched the kids from the fridge.


Carpool! Plain and simple. It was a fun surprise that the elf was in the car.


Let’s go fishing! Goldfish, dental floss, a skewer, and cocoa mix for a stool, and he was ready to go!

Climb the Tree

He needed a closer look at the tv.

Carry Me



BRRRRRR! I made a snowman, brought it inside. I cut a tiny carrot nose from an actual carrot, put the Elf’s hat on the snowman, tooth picks for arms, i used marker for buttons on the snowman eyes and chest. I made ear muffs out of a pipe cleaner and buttons. Aren’t they CUTE?!?!

Cup Tower

Any dollar store carries plastic cups. Make a giant pyramid! It was HUGE! This was my favorite.

Bike ride

Bike ride! Barbie clothes and accessories are a great thing to use!


Melting a little chocolate will have your elf in big trouble for stealing candy!

I would LOVE to see your Elf on the Shelf ideas! Share them with me on Facebook or comment! Feel free to share this blog post on your Facebook page for friends and family to use and enjoy!

Off to create tonight’s mischief! I’ll update this mid month with some new ideas.


Reduce, Reuse, READ!!!

Back to blogging already! Sheesh! With the holiday season in full swing, the Larson house is decked out! The tree is up! The kids in the neighborhood think that our tree is the weirdest thing they’ve ever seen. And we just love it.tree

We started a fun little tradition in our house this year and Jovie is really excited about it. I thought I would share the details with you all! Jovie loves books. We have read every night before bed starting when she moved into her toddler bed. BUT- we get really sick of reading the same books over and over and over. So here’s what I did:

I went to the dollar store and two thrift stores. I bought one book for every day from Dec.1 through Dec. 25.

photo 1 copy

Buying 25 brand new books would be REALLY expensive. Plus- most of the books at the thrift store are in really great condition. Why not re-read them a few (dozen) times?! Used books are just fine for this family.

Next- you have to wrap them. I couldn’t bring myself to use my fancy wrapping paper on used books. Doesn’t make sense to me. I just so happened to be out buying my books on Black Friday. So there was no shortage of ads and newspaper in my house. Might as well put it to good use, right?! I used my Black Friday ads to wrap my books!

photo 2 copy photo 3 copy

We are ready to open 1 book every day until Christmas. This is such a fun way for Jovie to countdown to Christmas too!

Our elf on the shelf was very happy to pose for pictures. She is a horse lover, too!

photo 2

The total cost of this project was about $19.00. It’s a small price to pay to not have to read Llama Llama Misses Mama twice a week. Our plan is to enjoy our books for the year then wrap them up  and gift them to someone else to enjoy as a countdown to Christmas. Tomorrow we will get to open our first book, they are under our tree waiting for the debut of this new and fun family tradition.

Happy Holidays Everyone,


Look for the helpers

As I think back on this day 13 years ago, it like most things, doesn’t seem that it could really be that long ago. Everyone has one of “those moments”. The moment that something so important in your life that you know exactly where you were, who you were with, what was going on around you. Aside from major life moments like getting engaged on my lunch break in my entryway, or finding out I was pregnant while eating a ham sandwich on my couch as Scott checked the results of the test sitting in the bathroom, the moments of 9/11 are still very clear in my mind.

I was brand spankin’ new freshmen at NDSU. I’m sure my sneakers were gleaming white and my backpack probably still had those plastic tag attachments on it somewhere from when I ripped the tags off. I was nervous for another day at my new school. I left my apartment early, had to make sure I left enough time to drink it all in that crisp fall morning. Pull out of the parking lot, head down the street, apparently going too fast. I got pulled over two blocks away from my driveway and got a speeding ticket. Well, good thing I left home early enough for the policeman to write my ticket. He did wish me luck at school, whether out of kindness or sarcasm, I’ll never know.

Arrived on campus, parked my car in the T Lot. Which still exists, but now has a giant T Lot Apartment building occupying a portion of it. A brisk walk toward campus with what seemed like millions of students. Some were wearing their new clothes and blinding white tennis shoes, some were in what appeared to still be their pajamas. Clearly, they were the seasoned veterans who were less than impressed that the first days of classes were upon them. Walk, walk, walk, worry, worry, worry- My pace slowed as I reached the Union doors. A new day, new classes, new people.

I felt like the tiniest fish in the most giant pond. I ran into a girl that I met a day or two before. I knew two things about her- her name was Melissa and we had our first class of each day together. That’s all I needed to know. We clung to each other for dear life those early mornings. What we didn’t know was what we were about to discover just a few steps ahead of us.

There was one tv in the Union at this time that I can recall. And aside from Melissa and I- every student in the building was hovered around it. We had no idea what they were watching. We stood towards the back and waited for a few bodies to clear out so we could get a look. Through the arms, legs, and backpacks, I see that it’s on CNN. I remember seeing the people closest to the tv with their hands over their mouths, eyes wide. It was so quiet. Not peaceful quiet, just- quiet. No one talked. Everyone just watched the screen. Once we realized what was happening, we did the same. We stood quietly and watched replay after replay after replay of the first plane hitting the tower. In my mind, I was scared. I’m away from home, my first attempt at adulthood on one of my first days of college and the first thing the world shows me is terrorism.

Melissa and I watch for a bit and head towards our first class of the day. The silence of the Union traveled into our first classroom. There were more students in my first class of the day than there were in my entire hometown K-12. Our teacher arrived and started class a minute or two late. She was wearing a red sweater, black pants and had a tissue in her hand. Her words to us that day were very few, but very powerful. “I will not hold my classes today. My suggestion to you is to go home and pray for our country.” She wiped her face and walked out of the hall.

The movement of the bodies reminded me of that of a funeral. Everyone moves quietly, slowly, heads down, somberly. I left, got in my car and drove home. The radio station was covering the latest events. I got home to my apartment and turned the tv on. It’s then I learned of the second plane. The videos continued to replay as they did earlier. Being a young adult at that time, I wondered if I was safe. I wondered who wasn’t safe. I wondered why.

Looking at today, I wonder when Jovie will ask me questions about this. More so- I wonder how I will respond.  I want to reply with truth and honesty. But I don’t want to paint a world of anger and hatred. I want her to feel safe in this country and know that it is the best place on Earth to live. I want her to know how many men and women work hard every single day to make sure that we are as safe as we can be. I want her to say thank you.  But I want her to be educated, I want her to know that life is going to be full of moments when you don’t get to see the beauty of everyday life because there is so much ugly in the world. I want her to be a contributing person in the world to do her part to show others that the good of the world is still very, very present. I recently read something in regards to Mr. Roger’s. He said when he was a young boy and he’d see something scary on the news his mom would tell him, “Look for the helpers.” What a beautiful and simple way to show that amongst the ugly and evil, there are always helpers. I, as a mother, want to raise Jovie by example, to be just that- a helper.


The day we met Jovie

Well, I sit here this evening, I can’t help but think about what I was doing during these moments a short six years ago. She was about 4 hours old, our family was slowing trickling in and out of our room each waiting their turn to get a peek at their new niece, granddaughter, godchild, or honorary family member. Once everyone had gone home, I remember thinking that it was time for me to hold my baby again. I knew that I had enough of sharing her for today. There are so many things about that day that I remember so clearly. And other parts that I have chosen to never think of again. 🙂 I remember right after she was born I looked over at her with the nurses and I saw what struck me as the biggest baby hand I’d ever seen. Meh- probably just the drugs. Right? Then I look again each nurse is taking turns lifting her up just slightly off her little table as if to be guessing her weight. Each passed her nurse to nurse. Smiles, giggles, head shakes, talking- each of them with their own reaction to holding her. Must be a normal nurse thing to do, right? The doctor and I visited while he finished his tasks and I joked that she would have giant calves and be a superstar runner like her dad. Or a Vikings Cheerleader. Those were her options. The Vikings were on in my room. Scott, Jovie and the herd of nurses are now gone to the nursery and suddenly I’m all alone. I kept touching my stomach. I’d never felt skinnier! Holy buckets, I was a freakin’ supermodel. Thinnest I’d been in months, in fact. My mom came into the room chuckling to herself, followed by Scott. His exact words were this: “Well honey, she’s the biggest one in the nursery. In fact, there are twin boys in there born 3 days ago and she’s bigger than the two of them combined.”


My mind instantly went back to my doctor’s appointment on the 25th-my due date. I sounded like a broken record that day in that doctor’s office. “I’m done. Seriously. I know you’ve heard that before a zillion times, but I’m not lying. I am all done. She needs to come out.” I offered to head upstairs and “get this party started”, but Dr. Bro declined my invitation. (Apparently he doesn’t like to party.) He said I could come in Wednesday of that week. I couldn’t. I was playing golf with my husband at Ponderosa. A tee time is a tee time folks and I wasn’t going to miss it. We agreed on Thursday. It wasn’t until I got in the car that I realized what her upcoming birthday was going to be. 8/28/08. A birthday as unique as the little girl who was about to be born on that special day.


Fast forward and we are getting ready to leave the hospital. Two days is enough. First hurdle- the outfit I brought for my newborn was in fact, a size newborn. Makes sense, right? Upon realizing that even if it went over her head, it wasn’t going over anything else on her newborn-ish body. Plan B. I put my hands inside and strectched with all my might. Try it again. It fit. Like a (latex) glove. She’s in piece #1. Now the pants. Well, she was ready for a flood, but they were on. Time to go, time to get this parenting journey started. Scott drove home slower than I could have walked. He took streets I’ve never been on, perhaps even street NO ONE has been on. We weaved and winded home to avoid busy streets, or traffic in general. We walked in our house and set her on the floor. Well- now what? That’s it? We just have to figure this out? No nurses, no doctors, no parents, just us. Us and this relatively tiny human being.


I will say that Jovie Night #1 was someone I didn’t want to hang out with. She gave us an absolute run for our money. It rained that night. I know that because I spent three hours driving around trying to get her to stop screaming and crying. It wasn’t good. Getting that new-parents kind of scared, we ended up in the ER on night 1. We get checked in with our newborn scream machine and it happens. She poops. A LOT. Then, instantly asleep. It was one of three times in six years I have felt scared as a mom. (A potential broken arm and a massive split eyebrow were my other two.)


All of these moments plus TONS more have been crammed into six short years that flew by. I think a lot about how much fun the three of us have. So much laughing, so many jokes, so much love. But I also think, “I hope I do enough. I hope she remembers how much fun we have.”


I hope- she never turns 7….


Here are some of my favorites.


9 pounds 5 oz. of pure fun and perfection.


Time to go home! 8/30/08


Jovie 6 months old


Jovie cruising in the jeep at her grandma and grandpa Lofgren’s house.


Even our horses are stylish!


A girl and her red boots.


Never a dull moment.


Earring Day!


6 years old.

We couldn’t love her more.

Tomorrow is Kindergarten

It’s here. K Day. (It’s like D Day for moms.) I am sending my one, tiny, cute, perfect little girl to school. For the next bunch of years. I wasn’t doing drop off. I was dressing her, fixing hair and headbands, feeding breakfast and taking pictures. I wasn’t dropping off. But due to work schedules and the planets suddenly falling out of line- I’m dropping off. This should be REAL great. Hot Mess, party of one- your drive to the office is ready. I sure hope it’s sunny tomorrow, shades on the entire time. I can not have sweet Mrs. Boeshans seeing Jovie’s mom a blubbering, wet face mess. Why is this such a freak out moment? It’s not like her teacher is keeping her forever. She’s going to give her back at 2:30pm. We are going to do fun stuff after the first day. Good grief. We talked tonight before bed and had a brief Q and A. I wanted to document Jovie the 5 year and 364 day old and who this tiny girl is at this moment in time. Here are her answers:

My best friend’s name is Pierce. (He is a sweet boy from our daycare.)

My favorite thing to play: Catch with my dad

My favorite color: Blue

My favorite book: Where the Sidewalk Ends

My favorite TV show: Sponge Bob

My favorite food: Watermelon

When I grow up, I want to: Be a farmer with horses

Something I really like: Sharing

Something I really don’t like: Squash

My favorite thing about myself: Dressing up really cute

Something I want to do this year: Fly on an airplane

Lots of pictures to follow, we are almost there. Almost a Kindergartener. Did I mention that she turns 6 on her second day of school?!?! Bring on treat day on Day 2. Quite the week we have ahead of us. Excited, lucky and so privileged to be her Mom. 

Here’s a photo of Jovie like- a week ago. I swear this was a week ago…..wasn’t this like a week ago? No? 

Ready or not- here she comes, Kindergarten! Mrs. Boeshans is about to meet the best kid she has ever had. 

jovie new 3



Homemade Ring Holder- Total Cost $2

Oh Dakota Boys Ranch, how I love you. This little thrift store is located dangerously close (their parking lots are connected) to our daycare. Today the almost 6 year old and I stopped in to browse around. I was in the market for a few things, none of which I found. I did, however, dream this up while in the store. Everything I bought today was half price, how could I pass those kind of deals up?!

Here’s what we need for this fun and simple project:

Small plate or tray. I chose this one:

photo 1 copy

Price: $2.99- 1/2 off= $1.49


Choose something to hold your rings. I found this teeny tiny martini glass. My vision was a giraffe, or elephant. I settled on this little gal:
photo 3 copy

Price- $.99 1/2 off= $.49


I took the small martini glass outside and sprayed it black so that it would match the glass tray a little better. I used a small line of glue (Brand of glue is E6000) around the edge of the bottom of the glass. 

About 30 minutes worth of paint, drying and glue and here is the finished product. It matches the new kitchen decor perfectly and I just love it. 

photo 3

TOTAL COST: $2.00 

Looks like a million bucks though, doesn’t it?!

photo 5

Have a great night everyone!


Friday Fun Day!

photo (1)

Loving this skirt for my fun friday!! Nothing says summer like a crazy print and bright colors.

I bought the skirt at Detroit Lakes Boutique The Nines for $39.99.

I paired it with a necklace from MODE that was just $9.99.

An Old Navy denim jacket purchased from the Living With Landyn page on Threadflip.

An entire outfit for well under $70. Can’t beat it! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 


Growth Chart Ruler

I decided to make this little dream a reality one sunny sunday in my front yard. I had seen these on Pinterest for quite some time and loved the idea of this. Many times you start marking the growth of kids on a special wall or corner or somewhere in your house. But you can’t take these special moments with you when/if you move. Insert the giant ruler growth chart! I am so excited to share this with you all! Here is what you’ll need:

Saw horses or a work area to stain your board on. You’ll do all of your work in this place from start to finish.

1- 1in. x 12in x 6ft. piece of lumber My board was from Lowe’s. I looked for one with some nice knots and detail as I wanted it to have a little character. I had a grouch of a 5 year old with me so my selection time was limited.

1- can of stain. Your choice of color.

My color was:Rust-oleum Wood Stain- Color: Weathered Gray (i bought the smallest can they had and I still think i can stain and created about 7,000,000 rulers with this one can.) As my sister Kelly would say, “A little dab’ll do ya!”

Rag and glove(s) for staining

1- Numbers 1-5

Permanent Marker or Paint Marker- Black


Black spray paint


Clear coat spray paint


Here we go!

First I set up my saw horses and got started on the staining.  I did about 3 coats and then touched up where needed to make it even. Easy peazy…



While I waited for each coat to dry, I would work on painting my numbers.



“Mindi, why is there a number 6 if you said only to buy numbers 1-5?”

Answer: The board is 6 feet tall. Where would you put the 6? I had a moment at the craft store that was less than intelligent. You could make the board a 6 foot chart if you’d like, probably a great option for tall families. You would then just buy an 8 foot board and cut down to 7 feet. The Larson household is not vertically gifted so we know that Jovie nor the wiener dog Leo will reach beyond (or anywhere near) the 6 foot mark.

So we’ve got our board and numbers painted. Now what?! Time to do the measuring and more precise work.


I first drew the foot mark hashes, then the half marks, then the quarter inch marks. The foot mark is longest. The half and quarter inch marks get smaller. Do I wish I had done eighths? Yes. Will I next time? Yes. Takes more time, looks more detailed. Lesson learned on my first ruler.



Once everything was dry, I glued on my numbers. I used a tacky glue that I found laying around the craft room. Some may say to use wood glue- I dont think it matters. The only glue that I wouldn’t use is hot glue simply because it doesn’t adhere to wood as well as others.

When everything is glued into place- grab your can of clear coat and spray away! This also will help hold things into place in addition to the glue. I made sure to spray the numbers and lines extra good so they were protected as well as nice and SHINY!

Really happy with the way my first ruler turned out. I donated this ruler to my family reunion auction sale to raise money for the 2015 reunion. It was a hit and happy that it found a home with two little ones to measure!


If you make a ruler, share the results with me! I’d love to see how great it turns out!

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Monday is over! WA-HOO!


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