It’s here. K Day. (It’s like D Day for moms.) I am sending my one, tiny, cute, perfect little girl to school. For the next bunch of years. I wasn’t doing drop off. I was dressing her, fixing hair and headbands, feeding breakfast and taking pictures. I wasn’t dropping off. But due to work schedules and the planets suddenly falling out of line- I’m dropping off. This should be REAL great. Hot Mess, party of one- your drive to the office is ready. I sure hope it’s sunny tomorrow, shades on the entire time. I can not have sweet Mrs. Boeshans seeing Jovie’s mom a blubbering, wet face mess. Why is this such a freak out moment? It’s not like her teacher is keeping her forever. She’s going to give her back at 2:30pm. We are going to do fun stuff after the first day. Good grief. We talked tonight before bed and had a brief Q and A. I wanted to document Jovie the 5 year and 364 day old and who this tiny girl is at this moment in time. Here are her answers:

My best friend’s name is Pierce. (He is a sweet boy from our daycare.)

My favorite thing to play: Catch with my dad

My favorite color: Blue

My favorite book: Where the Sidewalk Ends

My favorite TV show: Sponge Bob

My favorite food: Watermelon

When I grow up, I want to: Be a farmer with horses

Something I really like: Sharing

Something I really don’t like: Squash

My favorite thing about myself: Dressing up really cute

Something I want to do this year: Fly on an airplane

Lots of pictures to follow, we are almost there. Almost a Kindergartener. Did I mention that she turns 6 on her second day of school?!?! Bring on treat day on Day 2. Quite the week we have ahead of us. Excited, lucky and so privileged to be her Mom. 

Here’s a photo of Jovie like- a week ago. I swear this was a week ago…..wasn’t this like a week ago? No? 

Ready or not- here she comes, Kindergarten! Mrs. Boeshans is about to meet the best kid she has ever had. 

jovie new 3